Haircare – Best tips

Due to pollution haircare is mandatory nowadays. In ancient times people used to apply oil on the scalp. Soak at least for 1 hour, then take a bath with hot water every week. Gents used to take an oil bath on Saturdays. Ladies used to take an oil bath on Fridays during the early morning. Since they take care of their hair they remain healthy even at old age.

Due to a fast-changing lifestyle, usage of shampoo, pollution, hair is not healthy. Even at a young age, people suffer from grey hair, hair loss, and dandruff. Itchiness on the hair, dry hair, and baldness are the major problems faced by many of them. To overcome the above-mentioned problems, some best tips are provided.  

I have given the best hair care tips which are easy and effective tips.
Also if you know the best hair care tips please mail to

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hair care -home made shampoo receipes
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